399 Results for:

April 27, 2005

IRAQ: Drafting the Constitution

This publication is now archived. What is the status of Iraq’s constitution?After failing to meet the original August 15 deadline, Iraqi leaders pushed the due date to August 22. The 71-member consti…

September 14, 2005

Q&A on Germany’s Election

This publication is now archived. What are the main issues facing voters in Germany’s upcoming elections? Germans go to the polls September 18 to choose between candidates from the country’s two main…

September 15, 2006

Syria: U.S. Policy Options

The United States has long tried to compel Syria to adjust its behavior, but rarely with any result. This backgrounder examines the current U.S. policy options toward Syria.

April 23, 2008

Finding a Place for the ‘Sons of Iraq’

The Sunni awakening movement and the Sons of Iraq security forces it inspired helped restore peace. Iraq’s long-term stability could hinge on keeping the movement satiated, experts say.

February 5, 2009

Iraq’s Political Landscape

Iraq’s provincial elections provide signals about the maturity of the country’s political system, as well as highlight new power brokers in the provinces.