1,119 Results for:

September 13, 2005

Time to change the way we think about the world

China's  August goods exports: $68 billion US July goods exports: $75 billion China should start exporting more goods than the USA in late 2005/ early 2006.  That is rather impressive.  It means tha…

October 18, 2005

Financial Markets
This week’s WSJ Econoblog is on Bretton Woods II

Mike Dooley of Deutsche Bank and UCSB makes the case that the new Bretton Woods system of fixed or heavily managed exchange rates on the "periphery" makes large (though not necessarily growing) curre…

October 24, 2005


The new Greenspan.   So says Reuters. Like Daniel Gross, I was betting on Hubbard.   And I certainly would not be surprised if he ends up as the next Treasury Secretary. Expect lots of talk abo…

October 28, 2005

United States
Yet more on Bernanke and the savings glut

Brad DeLong seems to have dug up what Dr. Bernanke thought about fiscal deficits before he discovered the global savings glut ...  namely, structural fiscal deficits tend to raise real interest rates…

December 4, 2005

What is the matter with Kansas?

After seeing this graph over at Calculated Risk, I could not resist.   It seems my home state has the least housing froth around ...Maybe it has something to do with the fact that a (very young) Univ…