84 Results for:

November 19, 2015

The Future of Space

Experts discuss the latest innovations in space technology, the prospects for a human mission to Mars, and the importance of sustaining American leadership in space exploration. 

Play Nasa-Event-20151119-937x528.jpg

June 21, 2018

Divinely Divided: How Christianity and Islam Coexist in Nigeria

Alexander J. Thurston, Olufemi O. Vaughan, and John Campbell discuss how Christianity and Islam coexist in Nigeria.

Podcast REUTERS / Gaia Squarci

July 7, 2020

Religion and Anti-Racism

Ambassador Reuben E. Brigety, adjunct senior fellow for African peace and security issues at CFR and vice chancellor and president at The University of the South, Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, PhD, senio…

Play Religion and Anti-Racism

February 3, 2017

Countering Religious Extremism: A Conversation with Michael B. Curry

Bishop Michael B. Curry reflects on his recent trip to Ghana and discusses the role religious communities can play in countering radicalization and violent extremism.

Play RTX1UA7D_EC.jpg

February 13, 2006

A Conversation with Prince Turki al-Faisal

Watch Prince Turki al-Faisal talk about the Saudi-U.S. relationship and about the global security challenges that they both face.
