21,118 Results for:

October 22, 2004

United States
How Bush budget deficits ended up hurting Ohio

Ronald McKinnon has an interesting argument in yesterday’s Financial Times (based on this policy brief), namely that manufacturing workers are paying for low US private savings and large US budget de…

October 25, 2004

DeLong on the global economy

DeLong’s powerpoint notes are certainly worth checking out. The side by side graphs showing real GDP growth and then employment growth (or the lack thereof) elegantly tell the story of the 2002-2004…

October 29, 2004

Financial Markets
David Wessel visited the Harvard economics department

Or at least talked to Summers and Rogoff, before writing his Thursday Wall Street Journal column. It is worth reading if you have access to the Journal. I agree with his bottom line: getting out of…

November 3, 2004

the best recovery money can buy

One interpretation of the results of the US election is that Ray Fair’s model (am having trouble with the interface, so no link -- it is available on nouriel’s web page in the elections section) was …

November 4, 2004

Renminbi falls, hits new low in trade weighted terms?

Remember, that is also what dollar depreciation against the Euro, pound, swiss franc and other currencies means. If you think what China really, really needs right now is an even weaker currency …