54 Results for:

September 13, 2013

Reflecting on Lehman’s Global Legacy

Experts from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East reflect on the impact and legacy of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy five years ago.

December 15, 2011

Was the Iraq War Worth It?

As the U.S. military formally ends operations in Iraq, four top expert voices in the debate on the war differ over whether it merited the cost in blood, treasure, and U.S. credibility.

October 20, 2011

After Qaddafi, Libya’s Daunting Path

Post-Qaddafi Libya will face difficulties with rebel infighting, the anger of Qaddafi loyalists, and more, but the long-time dictator’s death also creates an opening for a more peaceful country. CFR’…

January 28, 2010

United States
The Tricky Path to U.S. Revival

President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address focused heavily, as expected, on domestic economic recovery and reasserting U.S. competitiveness. Six CFR experts noted different aspects of …

August 14, 2008

Security Alliances
Solving the Crisis in the Caucasus

As global leaders scramble to find a solution to the Russia-Georgia conflict, five experts weigh in with possible solutions.