191 Results for:

November 6, 2006

United States
Examining Counterterrorism Culture

Counterterrorism agencies in the United States proudly point to the lack of a “second 9/11 attack” in response to critics of their methods. Here’s a look at the continuing debate over the proper orga…

December 8, 2006

Multiple Iraq Reports to Compete for President’s Attention

As he weighs options on Iraq, President Bush will consider not only the Iraq Study Group report but also pending in-house reports from the National Security Council and the Pentagon.

June 6, 2006

Wars and Conflict
What Happens Now on Haditha Investigation

Allegations of a murderous rampage by U.S. Marines directed at civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha, as well as a possible cover-up by military officials, may further damage the U.S. image abroad. …

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: Troop Reinforcements

This publication is now archived. Why is the Pentagon bolstering U.S. forces in Iraq?The Pentagon says it is developing plans to keep American troop levels in Iraq at 135,000 or higher after the June…

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: U.S. Troop Rotation

This publication is now archived. How many soldiers are involved in the U.S.Approximately 130,000 U.S. combat troops will leave Iraq in the next four months after deployments of up to one year. They …

July 1, 2020

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
What Is the Ebola Virus?

Endemic to the African tropics, the Ebola virus has killed thousands in recent years, putting the World Health Organization and major donor countries in the limelight as they’ve grappled with how to …

A health-care worker stands next to a cross during the funeral of a person suspected of dying of Ebola in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo.