61 Results for:

November 29, 2018

Climate Change
Katowice Climate Summit: What to Watch

The conference in Poland will be a major test of the world’s collective political will to fight global warming. Following through on promises made in Paris will not be easy.

Climate change

October 4, 2018

Brazil’s Election: What to Know

Brazil’s general election will be one of the biggest tests of its democracy in decades. Here’s a rundown of the candidates and issues to watch.

Henry Milleo/Getty Images

June 13, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Escalating Ebola Crisis in the DRC

An outbreak in the DRC has spread to neighboring Uganda, and conflict and mistrust of health workers is impeding international efforts to contain the disease.

A health worker puts on personal protective equipment before entering the red zone of an Ebola treatment center, where he will check up on patients in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo.

February 8, 2019

Nigeria’s Election: What to Know

The Giant of Africa’s next president will have to contend with daunting security and economic challenges.

Supporters sit on camels during a campaign rally for President Muhammadu Buhari in Kano.

November 1, 2019

What’s Behind the Chile Protests?

Political unrest is sweeping Chile, as impatience with inequality grows in what has been one of Latin America’s most prosperous and stable countries.