1,781 Results for:

July 30, 2007

Monetary Policy
The shift toward sovereign wealth funds: the policy debate

Both the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal have done a great job reporting on the rise of sovereign wealth funds.   Joanna Chung and Tony Tassel’s nuanced analysis of the impact of sovereig…

November 6, 2005

What risks should the American workforce assume in a more global economy?

Sebastian Mallaby had an interesting column in last Monday's Washington Post.   Mallaby highlights what he calls the biggest economic argument of the day -- namely, what role does the government have…

December 11, 2006

Financial Markets
The GCC’s dollar peg …

China will have a current account surplus of over $200b this year.  China has about 1.3 billion people.   The GCC countries (Saudi Arabia and the small states on the Gulf) will also have a current ac…

August 20, 2007

Financial Markets
Reverse engineering financial engineering

The process that turned subprime mortgages into triple AAA rated securities is, by now, pretty well known.   Rich Bookstaber (his blog is here) describes the process nicely.Here's the recipe for a CD…

November 30, 2007

Financial Markets
Is the dollar’s decline over?

The Economist put the dollar on its cover this week.   The Economist’s cover is usually a lagging, not a leading, indicator:  it signals that the dollar already has fallen significantly, and sometime…