14,427 Results for:

July 25, 2023

United States
A Conversation With Representative Adam Schiff

Representative Adam Schiff discusses Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S.-China relations, the proliferation of artificial intelligence technologies, and emerging threats to the democratic process, includin…

Play Representative Adam Schiff addresses Capitol Hill reporters.

May 28, 2024

Ukraine’s Economic Recovery: Remarks and a Conversation with Penny Pritzker

U.S. Special Representative Penny Pritzker discusses ongoing Ukraine recovery and reconstruction efforts, having just returned from three trips to Ukraine in six weeks, including joining the Secretar…

Play Penny Pritzker Talking

June 8, 2022

Diplomacy and International Institutions
A Conversation With U.S. Senator Ed Markey

U.S. Senator Ed Markey discusses the Russian war in Ukraine, U.S. competition with China, the existential threats of nuclear proliferation and climate change, and the need for transformational invest…

Play U.S. Senator Ed Markey speaks at a podium

April 30, 2019

Energy and Environment
The Green New Deal: A Conversation with Senator Edward J. Markey

Senator Edward J. Markey discusses the Green New Deal, a congressional resolution aimed at addressing the issue of climate change.

Play The Green New Deal: A Conversation with Senator Edward J. Markey

March 21, 2023

Immigration and Migration
U.S. Immigration Policy, With Edward Alden

Edward Alden, the Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow at CFR and Ross Dist Visiting Professor at Western Washington University, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the crisis at the U.S. souther…

Podcast Migrants wait near the border wall, during a protest at the Paso del Norte international bridge to request asylum in the United States, seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico