38 Results for:

January 12, 2015

Labor and Employment
A Bipartisan Work Plan

American workers continue to struggle with lost livelihoods and wasted opportunities amid the most sluggish recovery since the Great Depression. The United States needs new policies designed to help …

A Bipartisan Work Plan header

November 17, 2014

Islamic State
Defeating ISIS

Max Boot details a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS by committing to the fight on multiple fronts: intensify air strikes, utilize U.S. personnel and capabilities, encourage local and regional partners, and prepare for nation-building.

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February 19, 2014

Countering Terrorism: An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen

Benn Steil and Dinah Walker argue that the ECB's bank stress tests will roil rather than calm markets if recapitalization funds are not set aside in advance, as they were in the case of the highly successful U.S. tests in 2009.

Countering Terrorism header

July 8, 2013

Fossil Fuels
The Case for Allowing U.S. Crude Oil Exports

Federal lawmakers should overturn the ban on exporting crude oil produced in the United States. As recently as half a decade ago, oil companies had no interest in exporting U.S. crude oil, but that h…

The Shale Gas and Tight Oil Boom header

June 28, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Political Warfare

The United States is in a long-term struggle for influence in the Middle East with competitors such as Iran, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and various Salafist organizations. All have …

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