2,935 Results for:

January 15, 2017

The Paris Peace Conference

  Once upon a time, the term “Paris Peace Conference” was a serious one, and referred to the historic Versailles Conference that ended World War I. That conference began on January 18, 1919, and i…

June 1, 2017

Paris Climate Agreement
The Consequences of Leaving the Paris Agreement

By withdrawing from the Paris accord, the United States—the second-largest global emitter—could undercut collective efforts to reduce emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and lock in fu…

The Eiffel Tower announces the Paris Agreement

November 17, 2015

Terror in Paris and the Islamic State

Experts discuss Friday’s attacks in Paris, violent extremism in Europe, and possible connections to terrorist movements in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Play RTS74ZL_EC.jpg

December 5, 2019

Can the Paris Summit End Ukraine’s War?

The summit will feature the highest-profile talks in years on the war between Ukraine and Russia-backed separatists, but the parties will have to bridge major divides to find a permanent end to the c…

January 15, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Time for Panetta to Visit Paris

Foreign Policy reports that Secretary of Defense Panetta is in Europe: "The SecDef is wheels up from Lisbon this morning, headed for a day-stop in Madrid and then staying overnight in Rome. In Madrid…