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January 8, 2005

The FT should have done better

Usually, the FT -- including its oped page -- can be counted on to be the voice of moderate reason. That’s why I was slightly disappointed by this line in today’s FT leader:"Other critics argue that…

January 24, 2005

Monetary Policy
Tyrants beware (except those we need to keep on financing us)

Today’s FT highlights the risk that the US will not benefit from cheap financing from the world’s central banks growing dollar reserves forever. Apparently, a new survey of central bankers suggests …

May 1, 2005

Will China get hit by the cover jinx?

It is a bit hard to start shorting the renminbi (RMB/ the Chinese currency) just because China has now made its appearance on the cover of Newsweek. It is hard to short something that has yet to be …

May 23, 2005

Five myths (or half truths) about China and the renminbi

China’s exchange rate peg has attracted a lot of attention recently, in the market, among the public and in the press. (also here, here and many other places)Alas, too much of the commentary seems t…

May 30, 2005

United States
Memo to Kirstof: China has some responsibility for global imbalances too

Nick Kristof accuses the US -- Democrats in Congress in particular -- of scapegoating China, and blaming China for global economic problems (more accurately, the risk of global economic problems) tha…