18 Results for:

April 21, 2006

The World Bank and Corruption

A decade after the World Bank mounted its first anticorruption campaign, the impact appears to have been minimal. Paul Wolfowitz, the bank’s new president, is seeking to reinvigorate the effort. But …

January 23, 2007

U.S. Sanctions Biting Iran

Backgrounder: The financial levers Washington is applying to bring about a suspension of Iran’s nuclear program.

May 18, 2007

Democrats, Republicans, and Political Fault Lines on Iraq

Public disapproval of the Iraq war is starting to create fissures among Republicans and posing challenges for Democrats seeking to balance national security and political gains .

November 9, 2005

Iraq’s Reconstruction Ailments

This publication is now archived. What is the status of the U.S.-led reconstruction efforts in Iraq?The reconstruction of Iraq has been hampered by a number of hurdles, including government bureaucra…

June 19, 2007

Economic Doldrums in Iraq

Iraq’s failing economy helps feed the cycle of violence there. Beyond restoring security, however, experts disagree over how to resuscitate it.