92 Results for:

June 27, 2013

Statistical Evidence

In this chapter preview from Pathways to Freedom: Political and Economic Lessons from Democratic Transitions, Jan Teorell evaluates a range of political, economic, and social factors in light of the …

December 2, 2009

Elections and Voting
Avoiding Elections at Any Cost in Iraq

CFR’s Rachel Schneller says Iraqi political factions should be given time to sort out their power-sharing rules rather than be rushed into elections in January 2010, a date pegged to U.S. troop withd…

April 7, 2010

Iraq: Struggling Through ’Highest Risk’ Window

The U.S. should consider postponing its planned August pullout from Iraq for several months to help maintain stability as post-election political jockeying and opportunistic violence by al-Qaeda in I…

January 4, 2010

United States
More Effective Security, Not More Draconian Security

CFR’s Edward Alden says U.S. response to recent air-security failures should be to improve existing measures that identify genuine threats instead of imposing "knee-jerk initiatives that look tough" …

December 12, 2016

Arab Spring
How to Support Democracy in the Arab World

The Arab world’s stirring for political change in 2011 failed dramatically, but support for building democratic institutions still represents one of the region’s best hopes for reform.