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August 8, 2005

United States
Once again, trade deficits do matter — and they really do have to be financed

Brad DeLong and the folks over at Angry Bear have already beat up on this rather ridiculous Donald Luskin argument that the US does not take on debt when it runs a trade deficit.   I hardly need to …

August 19, 2005

Capital Flows
Iraq: What happened to US plans for an extreme makeover of the economy?

I agree with Mark Thoma more often than naught.   I certainly share his concern about the shifting sectoral composition of output (translated from economese to English, more jobs in housing), and, li…

October 2, 2005

Germany 1, France 0? Plus some musings about the politics of globalization

I agreed with a lot of what Fareed Zakaria wrote about Germany - certainly I would agree that Germany has done a lot more reform than France over the past few years.Compare Germany with France. In Ge…

October 6, 2005

How many divisions does the IMF have?

So asks Andy Mukherjee of Bloomberg.  He wonders if IMF efforts to get China to allow its exchange rate to appreciate significantly would have exactly as much impact over Chinese policy as IMF effo…

October 11, 2005

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
W makes LBJ look like a fiscal conservative.

So says Jim Cramer. LBJ, to his credit, believed that there were limits to profligacy and that taxes had to be raised. Not President Bush. He's making Johnson look like a fiscal conservative, what wi…