New Nobel Economics Winner Jean Tirole on Energy, Climate, and Environment
from Energy, Security, and Climate and Energy Security and Climate Change Program

New Nobel Economics Winner Jean Tirole on Energy, Climate, and Environment

noble economics jean tirole energy environment climate
noble economics jean tirole energy environment climate

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Climate Change


Energy and Climate Policy

Jean Tirole was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences today “for his analysis of market power and regulation”. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that he’s written a lot about energy, climate change, and environmental issues. Here’s a quick selection of his relevant papers.

I’d like to try an experiment: Lots of this blog’s readers are experts in the areas covered by these papers. I invite you to read a paper from this list and either summarize or riff on it in the comments, so that everyone who reads this can benefit.

Climate Change

Some Economics of Global Warming

Some Political Economy of Global Warming

Regional Initiatives and Cost of Delaying Binding Climate Change Agreements

Climate change negotiations: Time to reconsider


Pollution Permits and Environmental Innovation

Pollution Permits and Compliance Strategies” (paywall)

Environmental policy, compliance, and innovation” (paywall)

From Pigou to Extended Liability: On the Optimal Taxation of Externalities under Imperfect Financial Markets


Reliability and Competitive Electricity Markets

Retail Electricity Competition

Merchant Transmission Investment

Transmission rights and market power on electric power networks I: Financial Rights

Transmission rights and market power on electric power networks II: Physical Rights

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Climate Change


Energy and Climate Policy