
Virtual Roundtable: Syrian Perspectives on Economic Recovery and Establishing a New Social Contract

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Rodi Said/Reuters
Sabiha Khalil

Member, Syrian Women's Political Movement; Member, Syrian Negotiation Commission

Bassma Kodmani

Member, Syrian Women's Political Movement; Member, Drafting Committee, Syrian Constitutional Committee

Jamille Bigio

Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations

New Security Strategies Roundtable Series and Women and Foreign Policy Program

Recent national consultations across Syria, organized by the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, documented local perspectives on the country’s future. The dialogue with women leaders around the country focused on Syria’s economic recovery, outlining opportunities for inclusive growth, and on fostering a new social contract and national identity through the political process. Earlier consultations reflected on the country’s constitution and reconstruction efforts, and on the return of displaced Syrians. Our speakers discuss the vision of local Syrian leaders on rebuilding the nation’s economy and national identity.

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