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April 15, 2018

Legal Questions Loom Over Syria Strikes

In striking Syria without an international law justification, the United States leaves itself open to criticism and may invite similar behavior by other countries.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley and UK Ambassador Karen Pierce vote against a Russian resolution condemning “aggression” against Syria during an emergency UN Security Council meeting.

April 16, 2018

Syrian Civil War
Can Syria’s Chemical Weapons Be Stopped?

The United States should follow targeted strikes in Syria with intensified global efforts to nullify the regime’s chemical weapons capabilities.

A firefighter works inside the destroyed Scientific Research Center in Damascus.

February 3, 2017

Why Syria’s War Grinds On

As diplomatic efforts to broker a settlement to the civil war have so far come up short and the Islamic State retains a foothold in the east, a segmented Syria will likely experience reduced but pers…

April 7, 2017

Will Syria Yield to the Chemical Weapons Ban?

Syria’s breach of its treaty obligations has led to broad international support for U.S. military action, says CFR’s Lori Esposito Murray.

April 13, 2018

Syrian Civil War
What Are U.S. Military Options in Syria?

Military threats to deter chemical attacks have so far failed to restrain the Syrian regime, and they risk escalating the horrific conflict even further.

A girl evacuated from the Damascus suburb of Douma arrives in northern Syria.