974 Results for:

August 11, 2010

Holbrooke: Pakistan Aid Inadequate

The international response to Pakistan’s flood disaster has been inadequate so far, says Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special representative to the country. He says Washington is contacting international …

December 3, 2007

Walsh: Venezuelan Vote a ‘Victory’ for Democracy

John M. Walsh of the Washington Office on Latin America says the failure of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s major reform proposals at the polls was a surprise, and represents a “heavy defeat.”

January 28, 2009

For Holbrooke, Situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan Is ’Dim and Dismal’

Bruce O. Riedel, an expert on South Asia, who has worked for the CIA, Pentagon, and National Security Council, says getting Pakistan to close down sanctuaries for Taliban militants poses the toughest…

May 13, 2009

Human Rights
Pakistan’s Humanitarian Crisis

Pakistan’s aggressive military campaign against the Taliban in the country’s northwest has left over a million people displaced. Michael Young, Pakistan representative for the International Rescue Co…

December 23, 2010

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
The Cost of the World’s Long Senior Moment

Trends in global aging in the coming decades pose serious fiscal challenges to developed and developing nations unless longstanding social policies are revamped, says CFR’s Michael Hodin.