422 Results for:

August 9, 2011

Foreign Aid
How a Faltering Dollar Starves Food Aid

Famine in the Horn of Africa underscores the problems of an international foreign aid community struggling to keep up with its commitments at a time of a falling dollar and rising food prices, says C…

March 30, 2010

International Organizations
Building a Strengthened IMF

Developed countries should embrace a stronger IMF while pressing for more equitable voting rights that would boost the institution’s legitimacy, says former IMF board member Domenico Lombardi.

March 1, 2013

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Shifting Tactics in Talks With Tehran

World powers are now offering to ease sanctions on Iran if it agrees to halt its most sensitive nuclear activity. Expert Daryl Kimball urges a full diplomatic press to stop Iran from crossing the nuc…

May 25, 2011

Indonesian President: ’Reforms are Painful’

Indonesia’s President Yudhoyono discusses the stresses and challenges of pursuing a path of democratization and reform, and Indonesia’s desire to play a larger role in the region and the world.

September 17, 2014

Clock Ticking on Iran Nuclear Deal

Without diplomatic progress over the next several weeks, world powers and Iran may squander their best opportunity for a comprehensive nuclear agreement, says expert Daryl G. Kimball.