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February 23, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Close Presidential Elections Have Become the Norm

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: It will be a break from recent practice if either party’s nominee wins big in November.

I voted sticker

January 12, 2024

United States
Election 2024: The Iowa Caucuses Are on Monday

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Monday night’s Iowa Republican caucuses are the first official nominating event on the 2024 preside…

A snow truck as viewed clearing snow in front of the State Capitol Building in Iowa.

February 16, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Donald Trump Says He Will Not Protect “Delinquent” NATO Members

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: The forty-fifth president says he will encourage Russia to attack NATO countries who don’t spend en…

Trump Photo

March 15, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Joe Biden Opposes the Sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Joe Biden doesn’t want one of America’s closest allies to buy a once iconic American company.


November 11, 2019

United States
Thanking America's Veterans

Today is Veterans Day. Americans first celebrated it on November 11, 1919, one year to the day after the end of the conflict they knew as the Great War and we (regrettably) know today as World War I…

Veterans Day

June 23, 2023

The President’s Inbox Recap: The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Relations

The United States should deter China from forcibly uniting Taiwan with mainland China.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen as seen speaking with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

February 20, 2023

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

TWE’s annual essay about the United States’ commanders-in-chief.

White House