2,609 Results for:

March 21, 2014

Putin’s Dangerous New Era

With the annexation of Crimea and rhetoric about protecting Russians in the near abroad, President Vladimir Putin has helped launch a new stage of relations that poses threats to Russia’s neighbors a…

March 27, 2013

Iran’s New Year Challenges

At the start of the Persian New Year, leaders in Iran are faced with a host of difficult political challenges, both foreign and domestic, says expert Karim Sadjadpour.

August 28, 2014

NATO’s Brave New World

With crises brewing in Ukraine and the Middle East, the transatlantic alliance must develop new capabilities to address the rising threat of unconventional warfare, says CFR’s Janine Davidson.

April 6, 2010

Defense Technology
U.S. Nuclear Posture’s New Priorities

The Obama administration’s Nuclear Posture Review charts new positions on potential targets of U.S. atomic weapons, preventing proliferation, and developing new weapons, says CFR’s Michael Levi.

December 19, 2012

A New ’Degree of Hope’ for Afghanistan

CFR’s Daniel Markey examines the prospects for new talks with the Afghan Taliban, especially given improving relations between the United States and Pakistan.