61 Results for:

February 12, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Cyberterrorism Hype v. Fact

The recently released Annual Threat Assessment warned of cyberattacks and attacks by al-Qaeda, but that doesn’t mean al-Qaeda is capable of cyberterrorism, says CFR’s Robert K. Knake.

February 22, 2011

Libya’s Leadership Crossroads

It’s unclear whether Muammar Qaddafi’s regime will survive after a failed, but brutal, crackdown on protesters in Libya. But if Qaddafi goes, CFR’s Robert Danin says Libya lacks the elements needed f…

November 3, 2010

Myanmar’s Elections Offer Glimmer of Change

Myanmar’s military junta made sure the country’s first elections in twenty years will favor the regime, but the polls still offer prospects for independent, civilian voices to emerge, says CFR’s Josh…

July 29, 2014

Fighting for Civil Society’s Space

A growing number of authoritarian states are banning civil society activities, raising the prospect of spreading instability that should arouse action in Washington, says CFR’s Mark Lagon.

July 7, 2011

South Sudan’s Challenge to Africa’s Colonial Borders

South Sudan’s independence July 9 could encourage secession efforts elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, but elites in those countries will likely stymie those attempts at challenging colonial borders, a…