19 Results for:

June 19, 2024

Russia Struck a Defense Pact With North Korea. What Does It Mean?

The new defense treaty demonstrates a growing closeness between the two pariah states that is likely to make the rest of the world uneasy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet in Pyongyang.

April 26, 2010

Immigration and Migration
Arizona’s Alarm Bell for Immigration Reform

Arizona’s new immigration law is unwise, unworkable, and probably unconstitutional. And who’s to blame? Actually, the rest of the country, writes CFR’s Edward Alden.

January 4, 2010

United States
More Effective Security, Not More Draconian Security

CFR’s Edward Alden says U.S. response to recent air-security failures should be to improve existing measures that identify genuine threats instead of imposing "knee-jerk initiatives that look tough" …

December 6, 2010

United States
Why U.S.-Korea Trade Deal Matters

The new U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement has the potential to measurably spur the economy and reassure a top U.S. ally, but President Obama needs to take firmer steps to boost a flagging trade agenda,…

November 11, 2008

Economic Crises
Financial Fallout: A More Skeptical, Less Generous America

CFR Senior Fellow Peter Beinart writes about how the global financial crisis will affect the United States’ broad foreign policy goals.