25,541 Results for:

March 1, 2022

John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture With Ray Dalio

Investor and author Ray Dalio discusses the changing world order, including the international economic environment’s trajectory, the economic and security implications of the current global geopoliti…

Play Ray Dalio speaking.

June 12, 2024

Energy and Climate Policy
CFR Welcomes Varun Sivaram Back as Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is pleased to welcome back Varun Sivaram as senior fellow for energy and climate. He will work with CFR President Michael Froman to launch a cross-cutting initi…

September 5, 2019

United States
A Conversation With John Delaney

John Delaney speaks on the future of U.S.-China relations. Read John Delaney’s answers to our questions on foreign policy issues. https://www.cfr.org/article/john-delaney

Play John Delaney OTR

July 15, 2020

South Korea
Remembering General Paik Sun-yup

Without Paik’s herculean effort, South Korea as we know it today—a vibrant, capitalist, and liberal democracy—wouldn’t exist.

General Paik Sun-yup, 1950

January 14, 2022

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With John C. Williams

John C. Williams of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York discusses monetary policy, the continued impact of COVID-19, and the economic outlook for the year ahead. The C. Peter McColough Series on …

Play An investor views stock prices on monitors at a securities company on May 28, 2007 in Changchun of Jilin Province, China. Chinese stocks hit new highs today with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index closing at 4,272.11 points, up 2.21 percent, as the total number of share trading accounts in the country topped 100 million.