38 Results for:

February 7, 2012

Elections and Voting
How Europe Views the U.S. Presidential Campaign

Europeans are closely watching the U.S. presidential campaign despite their ongoing economic troubles because the United States remains the number one power in the world, says German expert Josef Jof…

October 2, 2014

Is It Too Late For Libya?

Post-Qaddafi Libya is riven along regional, economic, and religious lines, and may descend into civil war despite a recent flurry of international diplomacy, says journalist Mary Fitzgerald.

January 17, 2013

Israeli Elections Offer Two Paths

Just days away from parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is widely expected to form a new government in coming weeks, but what that coalition will look like is still unclear, sa…

July 2, 2013

The Role of Religion in Postconflict Syria

Interreligious cooperation is central to facilitating transitional justice and reconciliation in Syria, says expert Daniel Philpott.

July 24, 2003

Feinstein: New U.N. Peacekeeping Resolution Needed

Lee Feinstein, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of studies and director of strategic policy, says Washington should trade firm financial and troop commitments from other nation…