1,082 Results for:

January 10, 2003

Venezuela So Polarized That Crisis Could Dramatically Worsen, Says Council’s Latin America Studies Deputy Director Julia Sweig

Julia Sweig, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of Latin America Studies, says that strikes and demonstrations against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could continue for months …

February 18, 2011

Iran’s Protests and Economic Realities

In contrast to other Mideast states, economic pressures are less likely to topple Iran’s regime, says expert Suzanne Maloney. Stronger repressive forces and the impact of international sanctions may …

April 10, 2007

Verleger: Natural Gas Cartel Could Emerge in Future, But Not Now

Philip K. Verleger Jr., an energy policy expert, says meetings of natural gas exporting countries in Qatar are not likely to be very significant in short term, but in time “could be very significant.”

May 16, 2003

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Expert Gregory Gause Says Riyadh Attacks Could Be ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Saudis to Crack Down on Terrorists

F. Gregory Gause III, a prominent expert on Saudi society and politics, says that the terrorist attacks on residential compounds in Riyadh will force the Saudi leadership to make a critical decision…

August 15, 2018

Can Libya’s Divisions Be Healed?

The Islamic State has been nearly defeated and migrant crossings to Europe have declined, so why is Libya’s state failure so troubling?
