162 Results for:

June 26, 2006

International Organizations
Silverberg Says UN Reform Process Slow and Inadequate So Far

Kristen Silverberg, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, says management reform is needed at the UN to increase effectiveness and accountability.

March 27, 2015

Navigating the Iran Sanctions Thicket

The prospect of sanctions relief as part of an Iran nuclear agreement has alarmed some in Congress, but they should see the value of a UN Security Council resolution affirming the deal, says CFR’s Jo…

September 25, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Significance of Iran’s ’Secret’ Nuclear Plant

CFR’s Michael Levi says the disclosure of a clandestine uranium enrichment plant in Iran heightens suspicions the country is seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and raises new pressure for tougher …

March 15, 2018

Are Cold War Spy-Craft Norms Fading?

The poisoning of former double agent Sergei V. Skripal in the UK indicates that Russia may have abandoned some unspoken rules of espionage. CIA veteran Jack Devine examines the history and current state of spy-craft.

UK Skripal Poisoning Crime Scene

March 27, 2018

What’s Next for Russia’s Relations With the West?

The expulsion of Russian diplomats by more than twenty governments is a remarkable show of unity and a deepening of Moscow’s rift with the West.

Russian flag flies over Seattle consulate.