112 Results for:

December 22, 2023

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.

People walk past an oil-themed mural in Caracas, Venezuela.

June 4, 2024

United States
Seeking Protection: How the U.S. Asylum Process Works

Record numbers of migrants seeking to cross the southern U.S. border are challenging the Joe Biden administration’s attempts to restore asylum protections. Here’s how the asylum process works.

U.S. Border Patrol processes migrants seeking asylum in Yuma, Arizona.

May 22, 2024

International Criminal Court
The Role of the ICC

The International Criminal Court was created to bring justice to the world’s worst war criminals, but debate over the court still rages.

Judges are pictured in the courtroom during the trial of Bosco Ntaganda at the International Criminal Court.

April 24, 2024

U.S.-Cuba Relations

Cuba has long been a major foreign policy challenge for the United States. President Biden is the latest U.S. leader to grapple with how to balance democracy promotion with the desire for a better bi…

A man shows U.S. and Cuban flags at his house in Havana.

February 9, 2009

Venezuela’s Oil-Based Economy

Venezuela is trying to develop new markets for its oil at a time of increasing friction with its main customer, the United States. But a significant short-term shift in oil relations between Venezuel…

October 17, 2012

Venezuela’s Chávez Wins Fourth Term

Longtime Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez’s fourth term as president allows for the continuation of his "socialist revolution," but questions over his health remain a wildcard in assessing Venezuela’s f…