212 Results for:

February 6, 2013

Fossil Fuels
Using Oil Taxes to Improve Fiscal Reform

Overview Economists have long argued that taxing oil consumption would be the most efficient way to address U.S. vulnerability to overpriced and unreliable oil supplies. Yet energy taxes are a thi…

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August 25, 2022

West Africa
Preventing Conflict in Coastal West Africa

The Global Fragility Act allows the United States to encourage greater stability in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Togo over the next ten years, argues Eric Silla, though it will be contentio…

A police officer looks on protesters blocking the road in Conakry, Guinea.

May 10, 2013

Immigration and Migration
Managing Illegal Immigration to the United States

Overview The authors examine U.S. efforts to prevent illegal immigration to the United States. Although the United States has witnessed a sharp drop in illegal border crossings in the past decade …

October 16, 2018

Disinformation on Steroids

Deep fakes—highly realistic and difficult-to-detect depictions of real people doing or saying things they never said or did—are a profoundly serious problem for democratic governments and the world order. A combination of technology, education, and public policy can reduce their effectiveness.

An image from a fake video of former President Barack Obama, demonstrating facial-mapping technology.

November 30, 2011

Conditional Normalization with Myanmar

Over the past year, Myanmar, ruled for five decades by the military, has undergone its most dramatic reforms in decades. A new civilian government has begun opening the economy, freeing political pri…

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