192 Results for:

January 4, 2012

Wars and Conflict
How Serious Are Iran’s Threats?

Iran’s threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz is intended to signal its deterrent capacity to the United States and bolster leadership at home amid biting economic sanctions, says expert Mich…

December 11, 2009

United States
Obama’s Nobel Obstacles

President Obama, a newly minted Nobel Peace Prize winner, now faces the daunting task of delivering on a range of challenges, especially nuclear nonproliferation and climate change, says CFR’s Michae…

April 28, 2006

Levi: More Pessimistic About Negotiated Settlement With Iran on Nuclear Issues

CFR Fellow Michael Levi, back from a visit to Iran, talks to Bernard Gwertzman about Iran’s nuclear program and the prospects for a negotiated solution.

August 18, 2011

Economic Crises
Reviving U.S. Economic Leadership

Amid fears of another global recession, investors are focused on U.S. policymakers. Restoring confidence in the world’s largest economy will require both national sacrifice and innovation--not more F…

August 23, 2006

Levi: Iranian Nuclear Response Seems ‘Compromise’ among Factions

Michael A. Levi, a CFR expert on nuclear issues, says Iran’s response to the Security Council’s demand to halt its nuclear processing in return for concessions appears to be a compromise between hard…