306 Results for:

January 26, 2009

Mitchell’s Prospects for Lasting Israeli-Palestinian Accord ’Slim to None’

  Aaron David Miller, a former top U.S. Mideast negotiator, says that naming George J. Mitchell as the new special envoy for Arab-Israeli issue shows the Obama administration is substituting "proces…

June 1, 2006

NATO’s Afghan Expansion

As NATO prepares to expand its mission into the restive southern provinces of Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. David Barno, the former commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, speaks to CFR.org’s …

May 11, 2011

A Political Vision for Israel

With Israel facing a regional democratization movement, a unity pact between Hamas and Fatah, and a possible UN vote on Palestinian statehood in the fall, Prime Minister Netanyahu should offer a swap…

February 22, 2010

A Strategy for Iran

The recent IAEA report finding strong evidence of Iran’s efforts to develop a nuclear warhead suggests the U.S. should start working on strategies that include sanctions and building stronger allianc…

June 15, 2009

Netanyahu Speech Aimed to Ease U.S. Relations, Unlikely to Assuage Palestinians

Aaron David Miller, a former senior U.S. negotiator in the Mideast, says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s closely watched speech on June 14 "was less about pursuing Arab-Israeli peace and …