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March 28, 2011

After the Arab Spring on TheAtlantic.com

A Kingdom of Libya flag is seen during a demonstration in support of the Bahraini people in Baghdad's Sadr city (Stringer Iraq/Courtesy Reuters) Hi folks, Below is an excerpt from my piece on TheAt…

After the Arab Spring on TheAtlantic.com

April 19, 2012

Human Rights
Life, Art, and the Arab Spring

In the 1930s Benito Mussolini was sufficiently offended by the Marx Brothers’ film Duck Soup to ban it in Italy.  The film, sometimes viewed as a paean to anarchy, was--given the world scene when it …

May 31, 2024

The World’s Shameful Neglect of Sudan

The disregard paid to Sudan’s brutal conflict is an indictment on the international community.

A member of the Sudanese Armed forces walks between damaged buildings, more than one year into the war between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, in Omdurman, Sudan on April 7, 2024.

May 5, 2011

Arab Spring, Turkish Fall on ForeignPolicy.com

Protesters hold a Turkish flag and signs during a demonstration to show their solidarity with the protesters in Deraa, in the Syrian port city of Banias. The signs read, "Greetings to Turkey's Prime …

Arab Spring, Turkish Fall on ForeignPolicy.com

February 6, 2017

United States
Are We Experiencing a Slow-Motion, Turkish-Style Coup? Or Our Own Arab Spring?

Corrupting the media, spreading chaos, and subverting the rule of law—it's what authoritarian regimes do best.
