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June 26, 2008

United States
Nuclear Agreement with North Korea Is ’A Useful Initial Step’

CFR’s Gary Samore says North Korea’s declaration on its nuclear activities and lifting of sanctions by the United States marks "a useful initial step" but more work needs to be done to ensure disarma…

March 5, 2009

U.S. Diplomatic Overture to Syria Unlikely to Narrow Gulf of Differences

Elliott Abrams, former chief Middle East adviser on the National Security Council, says the Obama administration’s move to send diplomats to Damascus for talks marks "a real policy change" but he is …

February 20, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Indyk: Rice Can Put Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Train’ Back on Tracks

Former ambassador Martin S. Indyk says Secretary Rice’s decision to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians marks a major change in the Bush administration’s approach to the Middle East.

June 19, 2018

Is Washington Boosting Ties With Taiwan?

The opening of a new U.S. diplomatic compound in Taipei doesn’t mark a major change in ties, but the Trump administration has taken new approaches to dealing with China over Taiwan.

Representatives of Taiwan and the United States place items in a time capsule at the dedication ceremony of the new American Institute in Taiwan complex in Taipei.

November 9, 2006

United States
Sick: Expect ‘Realism and Pragmatism’ From Gates in Pentagon

Gary G. Sick, a prominent expert on Iran, worked with Robert M. Gates in the White House during the Ford and Carter administrations. He says the nomination of Gates to replace Donald M. Rumsfeld as s…