1,011 Results for:

January 22, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
A Conversation With Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah BouHabib

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah BouHabib discusses developments in the Middle East, increasing tensions with Israel, and Lebanon’s perspective on the conflict and ongoing efforts to deescalate ten…

Play Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah BouHabib speaking at a podium.

January 19, 2023

U.S. Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Threats

J. Andrés Gannon, Stanton nuclear security fellow at CFR, discusses the likelihood of Russian deployment and use of nuclear missiles against Ukraine or its allies, and the implications for the United…

Play Radiological Decontamination Test Image

March 4, 2011

Fossil Fuels
It’s Too Early to Use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The New York Times reports this morning that “calls have been growing in Congress for the Obama administration to consider tapping into the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve”. That understandable …

January 16, 2007

United States
The 110th Congress—Democrats and Energy Security

Democratic congressional leaders say improving energy security is a priority. But while there is broad interest in lessening U.S. dependence on foreign oil and in promoting renewable fuels, comprehen…

November 15, 2021

Climate Change
COP26: Here’s What Countries Pledged

Governments endorsed the Glasgow Climate Pact and made new pledges on deforestation, methane emissions, coal, and more. But critics say they failed to secure more ambitious commitments to limit globa…

January 9, 2024

The Future of China and China-U.S. Relations: A Conversation With Liu Jianchao

Forty-five years after the United States and China formalized relations, Minister Liu Jianchao discusses the two countries’ current relationship and the implications of the recent meeting between the…

Play Liu Jianchao speaking at a news conference in Beijing with arm raised.