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December 1, 2022

Jiang Zemin Put China’s Economic Opening Into Practice

Many Chinese people who grew up in the 1990s will not only remember Jiang Zemin for overseeing China’s entry into the World Trade Organization but also for introducing them to the film Titanic.

A photo of Jiang Zemin appears on a big screen as performers dance around it on a stage.

October 25, 2022

Politics Will Determine China’s Economic Future During Xi’s Third Term

Xi Jinping received a rare third term as head of the Chinese Communist Party and elevated his loyalists to its top leadership body. Here’s what that means for China’s economy.

May 4, 2022

What the China-Solomon Islands Pact Means for the U.S. and South Pacific

The recent China-Solomon Islands security agreement has sparked concerns among the United States and its allies about a Chinese naval presence in strategically important waters. In response, Washingt…

March 11, 2022

Besides China, Putin Has Another Potential De-dollarization Partner in Asia

Within two weeks of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States and its allies have collectively imposed a series of sanctions to isolate Russia’s financial system. Recent stringent Western sanctions are a stress test of Russia’s de-dollarization initiatives and an emerging nondollar financial system. Besides de-SWIFTing Russian banks, Western sanctions have targeted the assets of the Russian central bank and sovereign wealth funds, the Russian Ministry of Finance, and Russian oligarchs. These punitive measures effectively wiped out the thirty-year post-Cold War Western financial engagement with Russia. I have discussed a Russia-China de-dollarization partnership in the Foreign Affairs article titled The Anti-Dollar Axis. It seems that Putin’s Russia has more partners for de-dollarization in Asia, such as India.

Leaders of Russia, India, and China hold hands while posing for a picture wearing formal attire with their respective flags in the background.

March 2, 2022

What’s at Stake for China’s Economic Relationship With Ukraine?

China and Ukraine have developed a strong economic and strategic relationship, but the West’s response to Russia’s war could push Beijing and Moscow closer together.