810 Results for:

April 26, 2018

North Korea
Kim Jong-un’s Play at the Inter-Korean Summit

The first inter-Korean summit in ten years could be stage-managed by Kim Jong-un, but look for South Korea’s leaders to assert a role shaping the process for denuclearization talks. Kim Jong…

Kim Jong-un’s Play at the Inter-Korean Summit

March 9, 2018

North Korea
Kim Jong-un’s Invitation and Donald Trump’s Response

Kim Jong-un’s invitation to Donald Trump to meet, delivered through South Korean intermediaries, is both stunning and predictable. After all, Trump has telegraphed his desire for a meeting with Ki…

Kim Jong-un’s Invitation and Donald Trump’s Response

October 12, 2010

North Korea
Apparent Heir: Kim Jong Un’s Ascension and The Challenge to South Korea

Having spent the past week in Seoul in the aftermath of the September 28 Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) conference and on the eve of the unprecedented 65th anniversary celebrations of the WPK’s foun…

Apparent Heir: Kim Jong Un’s Ascension and The Challenge to South Korea

January 2, 2018

North Korea
Kim Jong-un’s Dialogue Offer and South Korea’s Choice

With about five weeks to go until the Winter Olympics in South Korea, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un suddenly appeared to reverse course. Having focused on nuclear and missile testing while rejecting conc…

Kim Jong-un’s Dialogue Offer and South Korea’s Choice

June 15, 2017

South Korea
Kim Jong-un’s Calculations and the Moon Jae-in Administration

Park Hyeong Jung is a senior research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification. With the inauguration of Moon Jae-in as the new president of South Korea, North Korea is sure to laun…

Kim Jong-un’s Calculations and the Moon Jae-in Administration