1,086 Results for:

November 10, 2008

Fossil Fuels
Non-OPEC Oil Production

Non-OPEC oil producers, which turn out most of the world’s oil, are operating near capacity.

June 4, 2024

United States
Seeking Protection: How the U.S. Asylum Process Works

Record numbers of migrants seeking to cross the southern U.S. border are challenging the Joe Biden administration’s attempts to restore asylum protections. Here’s how the asylum process works.

U.S. Border Patrol processes migrants seeking asylum in Yuma, Arizona.

March 18, 2024

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
What Is NATO?

The alliance is bolstering its military deterrent in Europe amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has expanded to include Finland and Sweden.

Swedish soldiers participate in military exercises near Stockholm, February 2024.

December 22, 2023

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Fentanyl and the U.S. Opioid Epidemic

Opioid addiction has become one of the United States’ biggest killers, endangering public health, the economy, and national security. But closing the floodgates on fentanyl poses a significant foreig…

Photos of fentanyl victims are on display at The Faces of Fentanyl Memorial at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters.

February 5, 2024

Argentina’s Struggle for Stability

Argentina has struggled with political dysfunction and financial crises for decades. What could firebrand President Javier Milei mean for Argentina’s economy and role in the world?

A supporter holds up a $100 bill sign of then President-Elect Javier Milei in December 2023.

March 4, 2024

Haiti’s Troubled Path to Development

Hobbled by foreign interventions, political instability, and natural disasters, the former French colony is paralyzed by multiple crises.

A Haitian girl walks through a garbage-filled ravine in Port-au-Prince.

December 18, 2023

Latin America
Mercosur: South America’s Fractious Trade Bloc

Three decades after its founding, Latin America’s largest trade bloc continues to deal with internal divisions, including over a stalled trade deal with the European Union. New leadership in Argentina and Brazil could shake things up.

A truck driver waits to unload his cargo of cereal grain at a rail terminal in Brazil.

December 22, 2023

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.

People walk past an oil-themed mural in Caracas, Venezuela.

May 3, 2024

The U.S.-Japan Alliance

The alliance with Japan has been the cornerstone of U.S. security policy in East Asia for decades. Now, Japan’s role in global security is growing as challenges from China and North Korea mount.  …

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta addresses U.S. and Japanese forces at Yokota Air Base outside of Tokyo, October 24, 2011.

December 4, 2023

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
The U.S. National Debt Dilemma

With the U.S. national debt already exceeding $16 trillion, President Trump’s tax reform and budget deals with Congress have added to the country’s deficits. CFR explores the origins of the national debt, the risks it presents, and the outlook for change.

An exterior view of the U.S. Treasury building from below