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June 12, 2019

United States
Congressional Oversight: A Conversation with Jim Jordan

Representative Jim Jordan discusses the political challenges facing Congress and his role as ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

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May 30, 2024

Why Progressives Should Embrace Trade and Globalization

Progressive values shaped the postwar international economic system that has procured the benefits of globalization and trade. Will U.S. policymakers remember?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt speaks with Cordell Hull after Hull's return from the London Economic Conference.

May 28, 2024

The Man Who Would Help Trump Upend the Global Economy

As a potential U.S. Treasury secretary, Robert Lighthizer has more than trade policy to revolutionize.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer listens during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on President Donald Trump's 2020 Trade Policy Agenda on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

September 10, 2020

Congress Should Act to Ensure Weapon Systems’ Cybersecurity

Congress should pass legislation requiring the Department of Defense to assess the vulnerabilities of its weapon systems to cyberattacks.

U.S. House of Representatives Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) talks with Pentagon Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force Vice Director of Logistics Rear Admiral John Polowczyk.

March 2, 2017

United States
U.S. Foreign Policy Powers: Congress and the President

The separation of powers has spawned a great deal of debate over the roles of the president and Congress in foreign affairs, as well as over the limits on their respective authorities, explains this …


May 28, 2024

Ukraine’s Economic Recovery: Remarks and a Conversation with Penny Pritzker

U.S. Special Representative Penny Pritzker discusses ongoing Ukraine recovery and reconstruction efforts, having just returned from three trips to Ukraine in six weeks, including joining the Secretar…

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April 13, 2015

United States
Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy

Experts discuss how the new Congress will address a range of pressing foreign policy issues.

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