1,315 Results for:

August 27, 2012

Israel, Iran, and the Military Option

While a nuclear-armed Iran presents "a terrible outcome strategically," a U.S. or Israeli military attack carries unforeseeable risks, says CFR President Richard Haass.

February 15, 2013

The Hezbollah Connection in Syria and Iran

In recent years, the strategic alliance between Iran and Hezbollah has grown to the point where the Lebanese militant group’s fealty to Tehran is paramount, a dynamic currently on display in Syria, s…

January 4, 2012

Wars and Conflict
How Serious Are Iran’s Threats?

Iran’s threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz is intended to signal its deterrent capacity to the United States and bolster leadership at home amid biting economic sanctions, says expert Mich…

July 20, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Negotiating With a Troubled Iran

Mark Fitzpatrick, a nonproliferation policy expert on Iran, says the chance exists that in the aftermath of Iran’s disputed presidential election, a "new need for legitimacy could make it more willin…

September 22, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
Tricky Path for Iran Sanctions

U.S. officials will have to consider the consequences of new sanctions as they weigh how to address Iran’s regional policies without derailing implementation of the nuclear accord, says expert Richar…