43 Results for:

April 1, 2012

International Organizations
Don’t Worry Be Happy: The UN Happiness Summit

At first glance, this Monday’s high-level event in the UN General Assembly would appear to confirm the worst suspicions of UN skeptics. Given all the crises engulfing the globe, what geniuses in New …

Women, their teeth red from chewing betel nuts, laugh at a vegetable market in Bhutanese capital Thimpu, October 23, 2006 (Gopal Chitrakar/Courtesy Reuters).

April 26, 2011

Politics and Government
Campaign 2012: Hello Ron Paul, GOP Presidential Candidate

Rep. Ron Paul visits a polling station in Manchester, New Hampshire on January 8, 2008. (Jim Young/courtesy Reuters) The third time is the charm. That’s at least what Ron Paul hopes. An unsuccessful…

Republican presidential candidate Texas Rep. Ron Paul visits a polling station in Manchester, New Hampshire January 8, 2008. (Jim Young/courtesy Reuters)

November 25, 2014

United States
Why Secretary Chuck Hagel Resigned

Gopal Ratnam, “Picking Up the Pieces at the Pentagon,” ForeignPolicy.com, November 25, 2014. Although the White House portrayed Hagel’s departure as a usual cabinet change post a midterm election th…

Hagel Resignation

March 10, 2016

Why STEM Needs Girls

Voices from the Field features contributions from scholars and practitioners highlighting new research, thinking, and approaches to development challenges. This article is authored by Carol Jenkins, …

Maadi girls

August 5, 2020

Race and Ethnicity
“Viral Convergence”: Interconnected Pandemics as Portal to Racial Justice

In this piece (which is part of a special Just Security “Racing National Security” symposium), Catherine Powell argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a window into the pandemics of policing,…

Black Lives Matter Rally