157 Results for:

May 31, 2013


In this chapter preview from Pathways to Freedom: Political and Economic Lessons From Democratic Transitions, John Campbell explores Nigeria’s transition, which, though successful in moving from mili…

June 21, 2018

What’s Behind Israel’s Growing Ties With China?

China and Israel have sharply ramped up trade, investment, and cultural ties in recent years, but obstacles to closer relations may yet emerge.

Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz and employees of China Railway Engineering Corporation mark the beginning of underground construction work on a light rail project in Tel Aviv.

January 17, 2018

Is Israel’s International Isolation Diminishing?

Votes against Israel at the United Nations over the decades seem to indicate it is a pariah nation, but the country’s expanding bilateral ties tell a different story.

Adnan Abidi/Reuters

December 22, 2009

United States
Climate Right for U.S. Joining Law of Sea Convention

The time is ripe for President Obama to press for Senate passage of the Law of the Sea Convention and expand U.S. influence on oceans governance, write Scott Borgerson and Thomas Pickering.

July 29, 2014

Fighting for Civil Society’s Space

A growing number of authoritarian states are banning civil society activities, raising the prospect of spreading instability that should arouse action in Washington, says CFR’s Mark Lagon.