39 Results for:

December 13, 2010

Wars and Conflict
The ’Conditions-Based’ Afghan Loophole

U.S. strategy in Afghanistan should be in line with the Obama administration’s political goals of defeating al-Qaeda rather than devoting resources to long-term nation building, says CFR’s Gian Genti…

April 18, 2011

Gathering Clouds for Syria’s Assad

Syria’s Ba’athist regime has responded to widening pro-reform protests by tightening its crackdown, but this approach is unlikely to quiet restive Syrians like it has in the past, writes CFR’s Mohama…

December 29, 2009

Nigeria’s Leadership Vacuum

The leadership void caused by the illness of Nigerian President Umaru Yar’adua could lead to domestic upheaval and a succession crisis, writes CFR’s John Campbell.

September 22, 2017

A Simmering Crisis Over Nagorno-Karabakh

Talks later this year between President Serzh Sargsyan and President Ilham Aliyev can reduce the likelihood of renewed armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


April 12, 2010

Reform, Not Revolution, for Thailand

The once-prosperous democratic ally of the United States faces continuing upheaval unless the elite and opposition agree to political reforms and a frank debate about the future of its monarchy, writ…