480 Results for:

March 13, 2003

Task Force Director Says U.S. Cost of Iraqi Peace Stabalization and Reconstruction at Least $20 Billion a Year

Eric Schwartz, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served as director of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Iraq: The Day After, says that the United States has to m…

June 22, 2010

China’s Calculated Move on Yuan

By ending the yuan’s peg to the U.S. dollar, China will deflect pressure over its currency policy at the upcoming G20 meeting. But tensions will persist over the pace of reform, says CFR’s Steven Dun…

July 31, 2013

Can Iran’s Rowhani Bring Change?

A clear sign of a new Iranian nuclear posture will be if incoming president Hassan Rowhani pursues bilateral talks with the United States, says former top U.S. arms official Gary Samore.

February 22, 2010

A Strategy for Iran

The recent IAEA report finding strong evidence of Iran’s efforts to develop a nuclear warhead suggests the U.S. should start working on strategies that include sanctions and building stronger allianc…

May 4, 2018

Iran Nuclear Agreement
How Sanctions Decision Could Jeopardize the Iran Agreement

Iran could restart aspects of its nuclear program if President Trump declines to renew sanctions waivers this month, leaving major powers with few options for monitoring or restricting it.

President Trump speaks about the Iran nuclear agreement at the White House in October 2017.