8 Results for:

November 23, 2010

CFR Think Tank Grows to 75 Scholars with a Broad Range of Geographic and Functional Expertise

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) notes the addition of several scholars this fall, bringing the total to 75 full- and part-time fellows. Many are distinguished scholar-practitioners who have he…

April 20, 2004

Girls’ Education Key to Global Wealth, Health, New Council Report Finds

April 20, 2004 – Investing in girls’ education globally delivers huge returns for economic growth, political participation, women’s health, smaller and more sustainable families, and disease preventi…

November 21, 2014

New Report Urges President Obama to Establish "Rules of the Road" to Limit Drone Proliferation

The Obama administration should pursue a strategy that places clear limits on its own sale and use of armed drones lest these weapons proliferate and their use becomes widespread. These are the centr…

November 19, 2008

Elections and Voting
Foreign Affairs: Foreign Policy Challenges Facing the Obama Administration

A year ago, Senator Barack Obama first described how he would confront the foreign policy challenges he would inherit if elected president in "Renewing American Leadership." On January 20, he will t…