217 Results for:

May 16, 2007

International Organizations
U.S. Should Support Strong IMF, Says New Council Report

The International Monetary Fund’s legitimacy and status must be strengthened now so that it can be an effective manager when the next global crisis breaks out, urges a new Council Special Report. “Ec…

March 11, 2003

United States
President Bush Should ’Stay the Course’ in Postwar Iraq to Ensure Battlefield Victory is not Lost, Says Council Task Force

Stabilization and Reconstruction Could Cost up to $20 Billion per Year for Several Years March 12, 2003 - The President should “make clear to the Congress, to the American people, and to the peo…

September 23, 2002

United States
Council Terrorism Website Nominated for Online Journalism Award

Nation’s First Online Encyclopedia of Terrorism Recognized for its Unique Contribution to the Public’s Understanding of the War on Terrorism and America’s ResponseNEW YORK, September 20, 2002 – The C…

September 20, 1999

Safeguarding Proseperity in a Global Financial System: The Future Financial Architecture Report of an Independent Task Force

September 20, 1999 — The international community will not make real headway in crisis prevention if private creditors—and particularly large commercial banks—can escape from bad loans to emerging eco…

September 10, 2004

New Economic Groups Needed to Replace Increasingly Obsolete G7, Concludes New Report on Economic and Financial Cooperation

September 10, 2004—The current structure for international economic and financial coordination is inadequate and needs fixing, including replacing an increasingly obsolete G7 with several new interna…