222 Results for:

November 17, 1999

Who Decides? Congress and the Debate Over Trade Policy in 1934 and 1974

Introduction Governor Adlai E. Stevenson thought trade policy was boring; he once described it as one field where the greatest need is for fresh clichés. He had a point. In the long period that th…

September 8, 2022

A Smarter U.S. Assistance Strategy for Haiti

Implementing the Global Fragility Act in Haiti necessitates a change in U.S. assumptions and actions, writes Susan D. Page. The United States should work alongside Haitians desirous of charting their…

A woman runs past a burning barricade during a protest against growing fuel scarcity, soaring consumer prices, and crime in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on August 29, 2022.

March 30, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

This page is part of the multimedia Global Governance Monitor. Scope of the Challenge Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to in…


June 27, 2023

World Order
Council of Councils Twelfth Annual Conference

Sessions were held on the future of AI governance, accountability for war crimes in the invasion of Ukraine, reworking the Sustainable Development Goals and the global development model, revitalizing…

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks with France's President Emmanuel Macron as U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

January 30, 2020

A Silent Crisis

Refugee health needs in non-camp, urban settings have increasingly shifted to noncommunicable diseases. Providing preventive care and specialist treatment requires a massive influx of resources, but …

Eye exam GGWP Bollyky