3,679 Results for:

June 27, 2012

United States
Who’s Visiting Cairo?

After President Obama’s congratulatory call to Egypt’s president-elect Morsi, it seems the administration seeks further contact in the coming days. On June 25 the Washington Post reported this: U.S…

November 2, 2012

The NGO Trial in Cairo

Saturday November was to see  an end to the trial of 43 NGO employees charged with leading unregistered organizations and receiving illegal foreign funding.  Closing arguments have now been postponed…

August 5, 2011

Justice in Cairo?

The trial of Hosni Mubarak began this week. Throughout the world the indelible image of the former president in a cage was printed on page one of a thousand newspapers. Mubarak was a dictator, and v…

June 4, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
NGO Verdict in Cairo, Failure in Washington

Here is what happened in Cairo in the case of 43 NGO workers whose crime was to promote democracy in Egypt: An Egyptian court on Tuesday convicted 43 nonprofit workers, including at least 16 America…

October 18, 2010

Politics and Government
Truthiness in Cairo

Cairo - It used to be that Egypt did big things based on big ideas. The Aswan High Dam, unity with Syria, Nasserism, the Crossing (of the Suez Canal), infitah, and peace with Israel, to name just …

Truthiness in Cairo