92 Results for:

December 23, 2013

Former NYPD Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly to Join CFR as Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Raymond W. Kelly, former commissioner for the New York Police Department (NYPD), will join the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a distinguished visiting fellow. Kelly will be joining CFR in earl…

January 7, 2003

Humanitarian Intervention: New Council Study Highlights Unavoidable Dilemmas

September 25, 2000, New York City – Americans have spent much time in the last 10 years arguing whether or not to intervene in places like Kosovo, Rwanda, and East Timor—and there will almost certain…

September 15, 2010

Military Operations
Discrete U.S. Military Operations Have Been Ineffective, Argues CFR’s Micah Zenko in New Book

Limited military force—using enough force to resolve a problem while minimizing U.S. military deaths, local civilian casualties, and collateral damage—has increased since the end of the Cold War desp…

December 9, 2002

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Without Sustained EU-U.S. Action, Balkans Face Serious Social, Economic Instability, Warns New CFR Task Force, Balkans 2010

December 9, 2002— After a decade of extensive involvement and peacemaking in the Balkans, the United States and its allies are winding down their commitment to the region. At this critical juncture, …

May 7, 2003

To Avoid Deadly Violence in Papua, Council Commission Urges Immediate implementation of Special Autonomy Plan by Indonesian Government

New York, May 7, 2003 - There is only one way to avoid conflict in the remote and impoverished, yet resource-rich, Indonesian province of Papua: Give it greater self-governance and a stake in the de…