27 Results for:

April 19, 2021

Lava Jato: See How Far Brazil’s Corruption Probe Reached

Corruption investigations that started in Brazil ultimately triggered political upheaval across the continent. But the Brazilian taskforce’s methods have been questioned, including over alleged bias…

November 15, 2021

Climate Change
COP26: Here’s What Countries Pledged

Governments endorsed the Glasgow Climate Pact and made new pledges on deforestation, methane emissions, coal, and more. But critics say they failed to secure more ambitious commitments to limit globa…

October 4, 2019

Does the New U.S.-Japan Trade Deal Matter?

The United States and Japan have agreed to a trade deal, but critics say the deal isn’t as good as what it replaced.

August 28, 2018

Trump’s Deal With Mexico: A New NAFTA?

President Trump has struck a new NAFTA deal with Mexico, but with severe disagreements remaining between the U.S. and Canada, his approach to trade negotiations is about to get its biggest test yet.

Trump and Pena Nieto

August 15, 2018

Saudi Arabia
Tesla: The Risks of a Foreign Buyout

If Tesla goes private with significant funding from Saudi Arabia or other foreign investors, it would raise national security and ethical questions.  

Tesla tires